Glen Eden Rosier Park at Morihana and Public transport access

Why on earth are Auckland Council deciding to permit intensification / terrace house developments with about a 2.2 km walk to the nearest train station (Glen Eden)? That is about 22 minutes at a brisk walking pace. Probably more like 27 minutes and then some leeway for train scheduling and you’re looking at about 30 minutes pragmatically prior to boarding a train.

All I know is that most of those households will likely have more than one vehicle and they are likely to be clogging up and parking up their additional cars at Rosier Road.

I have a hard time believing the council are thinking these things through.

As a side note, this is not a quib at the developers. Visited the development itself with the view of looking to purhase and to be honest, it feels to be a better built than other terrace house developements I’ve seen in the area. (Of course, this in observation only. Prospective purchasers should do their own due diligence obviously)

Glen Eden Rosier Park at Morihana and Public transport access

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