I concur with Nikita Prokopov’s view of the state of the Software Development Industry: https://tonsky.me/blog/disenchantment/
Where we are today is indeed not ideal.
Month: April 2019
Interest rates will stay low for the Foreseeable future
Why raise them? Everything is good in the world. Liquidity is flowing around the world. Asset prices are going gang busters…………………………………………………………
Not that anyone really cares
The Matrix Synapse server will be left running and maintained, but not going invest too much of my time in the Fediverse. There is simply not enough uptake of Matrix to really warrant the expenditure of my time.
I probably won’t be following up on suggestions for any other collaboration systems unless a very good case can be made to do so. I’ve determined there’s really nothing out there that will ever compete with Faceborg at this rate, given the network effects and the widespread level of (dopamine driven) dependence on Facebook is out there.
For anyone bored enough, the manifest of my failed attempts can be read here. Anyway… Resuming my virtual digital hermit hood.
More Mushrooms, explore around Wentworth Falls
Matrix Messaging Matters
Earlier on Today, Matrix.org had to be pulled off line for emergency maintenance. It’s back up now and Kudos to Matthew Hodgson and his crew for getting it back up quickly.
On other matters, aside from a flurry of activity in the New Zealand Chat channel #nz.matrix.org, I’m still not seeing as much uptake of the protocol as I would like and today, If I search for any other Matrix chat resources in NZ, my out of date (and sorely need of an update / Fix up) Matrix chat sign up guide seems to come up as the first result.
Will try and pull my finger out and actually fix that page up (including the numbered bullet points and new screenshots) some day, though will state up front, I don’t plan on becoming any sort of Community Lead or Evangelist (Defacto or otherwise) for the Matrix chat / messaging protocol in New Zealand… Well at least not right now with my current commitments.