Site Legal Notices

STATEMENT OF Website Intent

The intent of these websites (being the sites YOUNG.KIWI and PEAK ) is to serve as my primary personal (non-commercial and non-professional) point of presence online, in which I utilize to keep in contact with friends and family both at home and abroad.

STANDARD Disclaimer

The content provided here (being on the sites YOUNG.KIWI and PEAK ) is my personal, non-professional opinion only and should not be under any circumstance be purported as fact.

None of the content provided anywhere on this site should be interpreted as an endorsement of any product, service or company. Nothing contained on the website constitutes investment advice and the views expressed on this website should not be taken as advice to buy, sell or hold any security. Content here is provided without express or implied guarantees, warranties or recommendations of any kind. You alone are completely responsible to determine if the information you apply is suitable for you and you assume the entire cost and risk for any action you take based on any information on this site.

Both YOUNG.KIWI and PEAK are my personal websites representing me purely as a private individual and do not represent that of any organization. Nor do I accept or solicit for any donations through these websites for any organization.

The group of sites, (being the sites YOUNG.KIWI and PEAK ) are currently financed through my own personal financial means. I currently do not run any advertisements on the websites, nor do I receive any kickbacks from any entity, commercial or otherwise, and there are no plans at present to undertake or implement these activities through any of my websites.

Please understand unless otherwise explicitly advertised on the web domains themselves, none of the Internet web domains that I currently hold are for sale.

Unsolicited advertising

Entities engaging in posting or transmission of unsolicited advertising material on either of my websites will be charged a base fee of 86 NZD for each incident including any consequential costs arising from each such incident. (Removal of each piece of spam, repair damage to reputation)

Use of Photos

While most of the pictures as found on both YOUNG.KIWI and PEAK are essentially personal photos taken on my compact camera or phone, people are welcomed to use / share any of these photos around for personal or commercial use (Though please don’t on-sell photos for profit) provided these photos are appropriately attributed (e.g “Photos: Fergus Young / YOUNG.KIWI” is acceptable).


Privacy Policy

As with almost all web hosting arrangements (since the dawn of the Internet itself) the web hosting company offers standard access logging by default by way of ordinary Apache/Litespeed server Logs. Information collected includes: your IP Address, User agent (Browser type, Machine OS) and time of access. These logs are not ordinarily reviewed unless an unusual incident of sufficient severity occurs.

The WordPress software running on the sites includes a commenting facility whereby if a visitor chooses to leave a comment, Provision of a name (Publicly displayed) and Email address (not made public) is required to post. This is default Site software behaviour. Short of an unfortunate hacking incident, Non-public Information collected will not be sold or otherwise given to a 3rd party commercial entity and intended strictly for personal site purposes only. (Not even economic to do so, given this is a low traffic website)

According to Cookie Checker here and here, the websites for ordinary visitors to both YOUNG.KIWI and, currently do not place tracking cookies on the visitor’s computer.  While the intention is for the sites to remain like this, there is no guarantee that the site software (including any site “plug-ins”), through the upgrade process, change of strategic direction of the vendor, or otherwise, won’t begin placing tracking cookies on visitors computers. If and should such a situation occur and upon me becoming aware of this, serious considered assessment will be given whether to keep the Site Software in question there and then.

Fergus Young