Political venting

I want the NZ National Party removed out of power. I didn’t vote for these clowns. I loathe to jump on the bandwagon, but after some thought pertaining to National’s policies and actions, I now have to reluctantly agree with the “Worst government ever” statement

The NZ National Party after having talked to the candidates in the lead up to our last election including through to their policies and actions to date are frankly the most uninspiring, disconnected and uninnovative bunch I’ve ever witnessed.

Political venting

Getting Around Auckland is just a pain now

Crap traffic, crap transport planning. The thought of going grocery / supply shopping on a Saturday invokes a sense of CBF’d. You look at the traffic on Google Maps and know you’ll be dealing with congestion particularly the hassle of trying to negotiate a crowded parking lot with a one (or more) ton contraption.

Could do it on a Public Transport, but the thought of lugging all your groceries on buses is a hassle, particularly if they’re in large sacks. Plus you are effectively limited to going to one shop.

May be in this sense, the Dutch have it sussed with their cities. Mixed use zone planning. Be able to pop down the stairs and have almost everything you need within walking distance.

Yeah, I’m tired of this City (Auckland).

Getting Around Auckland is just a pain now