Celestrial Dragon photo at the Latern Festival in Manukau Sports Bowl.

Just settled on a property. Having viewed dozens of properties over the last 3 months, here’s my findings.
Construction quality of New builds is hugely variable
We could be constructing our houses to be a lot more serviceable.
The most recent purchase may be the last rental I purchase in New Zealand for a while (in spite of my bank emphatically reaching out urging me to borrow again for yet another rental). And while Property as an asset class has so far been one of my best performing investments over the longer term, it all feels contrived / unreal and based off shaky fundamentals.
And why are these things so blooming expensive anyway? Why have we commoditized these things to the point we have? Despite being a property investor, it is not lost on me houses are supposed to be for people to live in first and foremost, not instruments of rampant financial speculation. Given the obvious social damage property price speculation has caused inclusive of channeling money away from the productive economy, why haven’t any politicians stepped up urging to correct this ludicrous state of affairs? (Most politicians frankly couldn’t care less when I raised the issue with them during the last election cycle)
It’s been let out of the bag, the curious casual stalkers have stalked and the gossipers have gossed. Indeed I’ve bought another property.
Have no flipping idea why people are so fascinated by this.
Plug in the USB adapter with your mouse into your Android’s phone’s USB port, power it off and then on again. Hopefully mouse will now be recognised and chances are you will be able to use your mouse to recover what you need from your Android device.
Applies to (my father’s) Oppo Reno8 5G lite
Given the way things are heading, financial and economic inequality will almost certainly continue to grow relatively unchecked. To be blunt and direct, I feel in the longer term we will possibly eventually see a societal structure that is more akin to some form of neo fedualism (for the lack of a less alarmist way to put it).
The ordinary people I sense these days are increasingly occupied with just financially surviving and providing for their families first and formost. I can’t see people finding the time and energy to organize to try and mitigate against the current tradjectory. (Be it through public policy deliberations, engaging in civics, and taking the time to talk with politicians in person come election time)
The ordinary folk are often so exhausted, they end up just consuming entertainment from the higher ups along with engaging with conspicious consumption as an analgesic to the malaise. In a way, we are being fed a steady diet of bread and circuses.
In addition, the fact that Donald Trump, a convicted felon, has been voted in for a second term is pretty much a stark warning that things are not well under the hood. A warning I feel the majority of us will no doubt ignore. I understand people want change, and want to bring down the establishment, but I feel Trump is very much a part of the establishment and the US people having now voted him in, will only exascerbate the growing issues faced by ordinary people.
In fact, I would like to engage with any Trump supporter in order to better understand their reasoning (and to learn more). It’s entirely possible I’ve missed things.
Karangahake Gorge Tunnel Photo. The Rail Tunnel loopRail Tunnel loop is one I’ve done plenty of times as a wind down walk after a bigger hike.