Photos from a Caving experience on a private farm at Pio Pio. Thanks agasin to Suzie, Phil and Luke for their hospitality and having us scullywags. Click picture to below to access the gallery on NUI.NZ…

Photos from a Caving experience on a private farm at Pio Pio. Thanks agasin to Suzie, Phil and Luke for their hospitality and having us scullywags. Click picture to below to access the gallery on NUI.NZ…
I have a confession to make, I do not understand present day Economics or financial markets.
To be honest, all I personally see is perhaps the biggest global asset bubble to ever grace the face of this planet. Many assets across the board appear to be valued well in-excess of their intrinsic value and have seemingly been like this for a lot longer than would ordinary be in a so called a bubbly situation.
Note May 2021: This post describes a hike that was done back in 2017 prior to being closed off due to Kauri Die Back concerns. The track has since reopened minus the Fletcher Track.
Trip notes for the Karamatura Valley and Mount Donald Mclean trail, a regular solo short to medium walk I regularly do. This will perhaps be my first attempt at documenting a trail in some sort of detail in a format inspired predominantly by MotoWalk NZ
In summary, A trek up through Fletcher Track up to Mount Donald Mclean and back via Karamutura Valley.
Expect around 5 hours at a gentle pace, including 30-40 minutes for a lunch stop at Mount Donald McLean and a 30-40 minute Swimming stop at the Base of Karamatura Falls (Actual walking time, about 3½ to 4 hours) Continue reading “Karamatura Valley and Mount Donald Mclean (2017)”
Explore of Motuora Island today with the North Shore Tramping Club. Lead by Imogen with Karen who took us there in the official Yellow bus. Photos posted to NUI.NZ, Click Image below to access the gallery…
Will add some more details in the next few days. (Right now I’m feeling really really sleepy, Apologies!)
4th to 5th of November 2017 – Weekend in Palmy. Click image below to access the gallery on NUI.NZ…
Took yet another Jetstar flight, this time down to Palmerston North.
Locations visited (includes links to Official external websites)…
Occasionally I will take advantage of Rental Relocation deals to usually to do a road trip after a key event concludes (be it, after a hike or after a work trip) to explore an area that is new to me.
After attending the Outdoor Training NZ AGM in Wellington in the weekend just past, A JUCY Condo Camper van was lined up in order to go back to Auckland, where we took turns driving it back to Auckland. It was perhaps my first time experiencing driving a Van and a Camper.
About the “JUCY” Campervan itself. Main points…
General observations about renting a car (not necessarily confined to Relocation deals)…
It is in my feeling that you really need at least 48 hours to make the Car rental relocation journey a worthwhile undertaking, otherwise it could all just driving point to point with little time to actually stop off on the way to look at things.
Many Excess reduction insurance options offered by many rental car companies excludes the likes…
Most standard Holidays parks charge per person in terms of Camping, not per site, bear that in mind when looking around for places to stay. Cabins and motel units at the same Holiday parks are usually advertised at the Twin rate.
If you have a self contained Camper van, it may be prudent financially to take advantage of that and Freedom Camp where ever possible and as long as it is legal to do so.