Main highlights included Dukono (in North Maluku), Komodo, and Kelimutu. Running from about 29th July 2017 to 6th August 2017 on a rather packed schedule with about 12 different flights in total cris-crossing over the Eastern side of Indonesia.

Matt Davison’s Video of our Dukono Trip
Places stayed at (Will hyperlink these when I get over my Indonesian cold)…
- Swiss-Bel Hotel Tuban
- Julianna Hotel, Tobelo
- A night in tents / bivvies on Gunung Dukono itself
- Grand Dafam Hotel, Ternate
- Sunset Hill Hotel, Labuan Bajo, Flores
- Overnight on a boat anchored out at a bay with flying foxes.
- Antoneri Lodge, Koanara, Kelimutu
Assorted Notes and observations… (Still to be filled out as of 2017-09-06)…
A large portion of the Indonesian private vehicle Fleet are Toyota “Avanza” and “Kijang” Multi-purpose vehicles. The older Kijang has a larger 2.0 litre motor with it’s smaller successor, the Avanza, having a smaller 1.5 litre motor.
The driving style over much of Indonesia is typical of many Asian national (except Singapore / Hong Kong) with a more aggressive driving style and which will often strike fear into Westerners who are not used to it.
The roads in the more remote parts of Indonesia that we visited where suprisingly good with many key routes sealed. Have to admit, was thinking the island of Halmahera to be mostly of gravel / dirt roads.
Everyone in the group took Anti-Malarials as we had entered into areas which were deemed as high risk.