Pictures from Taranaki Around the Mountain Circuit have been posted to NUI.NZ
With Matt Davison, Nicole Scheid, Brody Radford and myself. Flew down from Auckland very early Saturday Morning and flew back up to Auckland on the ANZAC Tuesday

T’was a very tough going track, mainly due to the steep and sharp undulations. Oaonui Track was pretty rough and took a lot of energy to do. Was pretty much drained out at the end of both day 2 and day 3 of the Walk.
(1/05/2017 10:22 p.m. – Trip Notes still being written out)
Huts / places stayed at included Holly Hut, Waiaua Gorge Hut and Konini Lodge.
Holly Hut was overflowing with the great majority doing the Pouakai Track. I think last count put it at 43 in the hut that night. There was barely any floor space in the entire dining area with almost every inch taken up with people sitting in groups doing the normal evening hut rituals of playing board / card games and socializing.
Waiaua Gorge Hut was much less busy. Decided to sleep out in the Dining area, as the fire was going (and in case I inadvertently started snoring! Brody, who was out in the Dining area with me, reported that he didn’t notice any snoring, which was perhaps relieving).
Walking up Brames fall track and then Undulated, quite painfully (Due to how acute and steep up and down they were), along past the bluffs to Upper Lake Dive track. Completely hit the wall and was out of energy. Short break at the Junction at the Brames Falls Route and Upper Lake Dive track and energy levels partially came back, however, it appeared to be Nicole’s turn to experience the loss of energy.
Attempted a walk up to Fanthams peak, but decided to abort once I hit the scree (I knew I wasn’t going to make it), However Brody made it to the top just with 30 seconds to spare.
Proceeded on to Konini Lodge, however having turned off the summit track and towards the visitor centre, tripped and bugged my right ankle. LImped to the Dawson Falls Lodge and asked for directions to Konini Lodge (I couldn’t see it as it was dark). Konini Lodge was comparative indulgent luxury with power, lights, water and yes, Showers.
Next morning was a walk to Dawsons falls before continuing along Kokowai track towards Tahurangi Lodge and back down to North Egmont Visitor Centre (Our origin). Energy levels was all over the place that day. Struggled before Lunch, After Lunch, I was away up the final leg doing an Okay pace before fizzing out again on approach to Tahurangi Lodge.