Week Beginning 5th February 2017

Note: these are simply quick thoughts that have been jotted down. They have been categorized as “Insignificant” for very good reasons. Some of these points (each separated into their own paragraphs) may or may not be spawned into more substantial posts.

Urban Exploration Politicking

[Spun out in to it’s own post, follow this link to view article]

Unruly Tenant spray paints “FTP” on door

A good friend reports that his property in Turangi has been trashed with the Gates all gone and the Garage door spray painted with lets say “FTP” to be brief (No, not “File Transfer Protocol”, the other definition… involving the word police) What the hell was the property manager at the 21st Century Turangi office doing? Why was this tenant allowed to stay in the property for 4 whole months of rent arrears before my mate had to take matters into his own hand and demand to the property manager that the tenant be kicked out?

P Epidemic

Growing alarmed within myself about the Prevalence of P Use in New Zealand.


Week Beginning 5th February 2017

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