6th February 2018 – Waitangi Festivities at Okahu Bay at the Orakei Domain…

Hosted by Ngati Whatua Orakei in conjunction with Auckland Council
Auckland Museum display “Mauri” (with people from the Marae in attendence to answer any questions regarding the history of the area), providing information about the Treaty of Waitangi in general and a secton regarding Orakei itself. See the Auckland Museum page regarding the TImeline of events surrounding the Treaty of Waitangi.
There was apparently an hourly tour going about the Marae, but some confusion meant I never managed to actually find it. Ngati Whatua Orakei do now have Tamaki Hikoi situated at Bastion point as one of their first stepping stone in to Tourism (so it could have been that they were referring to, as opposed to being a Marae tour).
Maimoa, the last act of day, is a Musical group from the tamariki (Children’s) program “Pukana”. More well known in Maori Language circles from their Maimoatia song and also more recently their Music Video “Wairua“, promoting Te Reo Maori. The group’s member make up varies between songs.
Orakei domain was pretty fully packed from Noon to about 2:30 p.m.
Other photos from the event…
There were two other places in Auckland putting on Waitangi Festivities. one in Manukau at Hayman’s Park and the one at Glen Eden, Hoani Waititi Marae which appeared to have quite a number of well known Maori Music acts on.