
Tony Alexander, while a well respected and highly regarded Auckland housing market commentator (and perhaps champion of) in his 1st December 2016 Weekly Overview does not speak for me individually in this regard…

Young people probably don’t want space for three chainsaws. They have grown up amusing themselves indoors with technology and its progression rather than seeking open spaces and adventures outdoors which physically and spatially challenge them. They have looked down their noses at outside work and hut building and seem to want an adult life quite different from what earlier generations aspired to. Older people bemoan the lack of new houses with big sections. Young people and probably most immigrants instead want something low maintenance and handy to transport routes. If that means small then so be it. Creation of lots of tightly packed small houses/townhouses does not imply the societal dystopia many older people fear. Get with the times.

I regularly get cheek for my rather slow adoption of new consumer technology, despite working as a computer geek as a day job. Will admit, that I now finally have a Faceborg account (going on 1½ months)… After much shirt tail tugging and escalating annoyance at me from friends at my lack there of.

As an aside. Noticed that the Weekly Overview it self seems has perhaps gone from reasonable and broad economic commentary to predominantly commentary focusing on Auckland’s housing market and dare I say, Bubble denial (I sense a possibly dangerous level of over confidence based on how his columns are worded), with economics merely becoming a side snippet. Not really my cup of tea I have to admit (have decided to unsubscribe). If he gets back to a more broad based economic commentary, will decide to resubscribe then and there.


Gills Scenic Reserve

A little, very short stroll around GIlls Scenic Reserve in Albany.  Pics uploaded to

Started from the Lower end of the reserve at GIlls Road entrance and did a figure eight type of loop. There’s a possibility to enter the park at the Carol Lee Place end instead though car park when I walked past seemed to be full, however for some strange reason, I didn’t encounter anyone else in the reserve while I was there.

Apparently there’s some board walk section to this reserve, however, didn’t manage to find it.

Gills Scenic Reserve
Gills Scenic Reservie

Continue reading “Gills Scenic Reserve”

Gills Scenic Reserve

Domain History

History of these domain names (being both and is that they were acquired for a personal project to create an online space (Forum, private social network, or other web CMS) for organizing outings and events informally and casually between a small group of friends away from relying on Centralized and Commercialized Networks such as Facebook and Meetup

Part of the prescription was that this new “space” had to be accessible via Mobile, the domain names needed to be easily typed in to a mobile device and in this case, shorter the better. Appears with the .nz domains names not being as recognisable or respected as the ones, both of the aforementioned domain names were freely available for registration at the time (and had been for several months after the DNC Preferential Rights of Registration period had ended),

However, the project, apart from setting up multiple props for evaluation, in effect never took off and it was at this stage, the allure of facebook was found / assessed to be nigh impossible to break for the social circle that it was intended for (the same social circle, which originally suggested creating an alternative), and I have since decided to pick up and use these domains myself for my own personal use.

Domain History

Spontaneous Pararaha Stream Day Walk

Did a spontaneous walk along Pararaha… Heck I wasn’t actually going to go all the way, (was going to stop at the log jam then head back) but continued on anyway.  Weather conditions were showery initially while I was walking down Buck Taylor track, but later cleared up once I embarked on the Pararaha Stream (after the Pararaha Campsite)

Grippy footwear really is a must for this.    You will most probably get your feet wet.  Dry bags for your more sensitive gear (e.g. Non-Waterproof electronics) is highly advisable.

Log Jam can be a little daunting, particularly the bit where you get through past the logs and then climb up a moderately sloped rock. Thankfully the rock is fairly grippy

While it is technically possible (after the log jam) to continue directly up the stream, there are 3 (or may be 4 Points) where it may be better to scramble up the side of a cliff for those who wish to avoid a full immersion swim. The cliff routes are failry well worn in, it’s just a matter of finding them… If you find that a section of stream is deeper than chest height, then there’s most probably an alternative cliff trail somewhere.

Regarding Still Gully, (According to the map posted to Auckland Hiking Group meetup, it seems they are planning to go up this). In short, It’s easy to miss, which may not be a bad thing because it’s difficult to go up it.  There’s a small stream and lots of thick bush and according to the Topo Map, it gets quite steep.  Tried for about a 100m then gave up.  There doesn’t appear to be much to see there (except dense vegetation).  I believe you are better to continue up Pararaha stream till you get to intersection of Odins TImber Trail and then turn left on to it to Odens TImber Trail and head back to the car park from there.

Will shortly upload photos to

Spontaneous Pararaha Stream Day Walk

Celebrity Worship and The Widening Wealth Gap

The following appeared in NZ Herald’s letter to the editor dated 3rd November 2016

Obscene deal

Wow, this $142 million deal is great for Steven Adams and I congratulate him. I guess he will now be a contender for the Halberg Awards? No doubt there will be in a movie about him one day, too. A script writer’s dream. One of 14 children from at Rotorua to a super star in the US. Not only will this deal do wonders for basketball in this country but it will help put New Zealand on the map in USA perhaps?
Sadly, though, this deal also highlights all that is wrong in the world and especially in America. Let’s be honest and say it like it really is. Is “obscene” the right word or is “absurd” a better description? For any sports person to be paid $820,000 an hour for bouncing a basketball around a court is just ludicrous. To think the top surgeons who are saving people’s lives are getting a fraction of this is the real obscenity. Only in America.

Glen Stanton, Mairangi Bay.

To be brutally blunt, While I echo much of sentiments expressed in this letter (Except the “Only in America” bit), the scenario is perhaps only going to get more pronounced as time goes on.

It’s really our own collective / combined actions (as commoners) that ball games players are getting the figures they do. Aside from the Rags to Riches / Fooled by randomness story. The feeling I get on the street is that the majority are generally hungry for Entertainment, Distractions, Escapism and Vicarious living, while perhaps ignoring  more pressing issues affecting the world in general, and the longer term implications of our actions ultimately on ourselves as individuals in the long run.

Bread and circuses I call it.  Only this time, we’re falling head over heels to pay the entertainment elite (for lack of a better term) to perhaps distract us, and help us escape from the realities of living our otherwise meagre lives and in a perverse kind of way, further deepening the divide.  The rich get richer as a result of the majority’s demand for diversions and we get even more desperate to escape or engage in some vicarious living further entrenching and accelerating the transfer of power from the Ourselves as commoners to the few.

Have to admit, I struggle to understand the level at the public’s fascination and obsession of some Public figures, may be my Celebrity Worship brain circuitry is fried, also gone is my ability to live vicariously. The ability was there when I was young, so not sure when It went, but goes at least some way to explaining why I am having trouble understanding mass psychology and why masses do what they do at times.

I may regard highly, the abilities of a given public figure, but frankly, unable to conjure up any sort of implied relationship (faux or otherwise) with them, unless I’ve met them in person, shook hands and engaged in a conversation with the said person.  Otherwise, it’s this… I don’t know them personally and they don’t know me. Having had a cursory trawl through the Internet, it looks like there is even a test for Celebrity Worship Syndrome [PDF here] to which I confess, I’m very perplexed at the level at which this is occurring at… Have we ceased thinking?


Celebrity Worship and The Widening Wealth Gap

Faceborg Assimilated

As as I said in an earlier post, I have recently had to capitulate and join Facebook (proper) amid much escalating and heated (“Angry” and “Shouty”) protestation from different, quite distinct (Separate) circle of friends and acquaintances for not being contactable via facebook.

To my friends, I just wish to say, I really appreciate having you all as friends. I really do, however on a personal level, I have difficulties with supporting a company like facebook considering their past and present behaviour and have concerns that we are collectively allowing a single for-profit minded company too much power over our lives collectively.

Anyway, as of writing this, 10 people have discovered my profile and have since “friended” me on my regular faceborg profile. if I know you and you want to try and dissuade me from leaving the faceborg collective for a 3rd time, now’s a good time to go to profile and “friend” me. (ugh, hate using the verb in that context)

See Also…

Faceborg Assimilated

Web presence and related matters.

The websites.

Will be doing a little bit of house keeping on both and  Will prime to be a full blown personal photo gallery (as it appears to have evolved towards that direction) and add more description and details into each Photo Album.  Have had the odd comments about my photo galleries lacking any textual information and I can’t really argue with that.  While I am not one for writing up Full Blown Trip reports, it would be nice to describe our experiences in words to supplement the photos.

I still have, which has to-date not been deployed. Thinking I will make that a front end for my identity on the net with links to both (personal blog) and (personal photo gallery)


“We are Faceborg, You Will Be Assimilated… Your mental and cultural distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile…!”

So here is us collectively handing over (and increasingly continually doing so) power and control over our personal data, the Web and ultimately our lives FROM ourselves as a collective to be concentrated in the hands of a single power hungry for-profit corporation intent on world domination…

…Really, are we honestly actually comfortable with doing that?

Anyway, have had to re-board the Faceborg mothership again after 3 years off of it, courtesy of increasing protestation from several distinct group of friends / acquaintances for not being contactable via facebook.

Had existed on Faceborg messenger for a few months as a compromise, but recent bugs in the system, after replacing my phone, have caused multiple ghost messenger identities to be created off of the same phone number, with no known way to combine them back together. Great for Facebook as it helps inflate their monthly user count numbers across their whole platform, to impress shareholders and investors.

As per the last two times I had (and later shut) a facebook account, I’m Looking for any excuse to close this one as I don’t agree with how Facebook entity has behaved, and don’t particularly like the proprietary – locked-in nature of it

Web presence and related matters.

Discussion Forums

Having another crack at forums. If anyone wants to use it (looking at those who have been tugging on my shirt), feel free to do so.

No need to register nor log in to post. (Silent spam protection enabled)

Forums can be found here…

Have since made the Forums to display better on Mobile devices (The original CSS / Styling that came with the plug-in wasn’t at all Mobile friendly, it’s now at least semi-acceptable)

Post anything you want. (Except spam and scams of course.)

If there is enough interest, I can look to deploy a fully fledged Discourse forum

Discussion Forums

Meetup RSVP Bugs

(Temporary post to document Meetup Issues)

Using the Latest version of the Meetup App for Android…

Test Run #1: Upon RSVP’ing “Yes”, Got all 3 questions presented.
Answered Only the first question while leaving the other two blank and clicked ‘Continue’
The Answer was successfully Saved.

Test Run #2: Updated RSVP and answered all 3 Questions (change answer to first question.) and then clicked ‘continue’. None of the Answers were saved… Was still showing the answer I had given in #1 with questions 2 and 3 blank.

Test Run #3: Updated RSVP and changed the answer to the first question, leaving the other 2 blank. Answer was successfully saved.

Appears if you answer just the first question, you should be Okay, answer the other two along with the first question. None of the Answers get saved.



Meetup RSVP Bugs

New Rebrand

Now that Meetup HQ have deployed their anticipated New Branding, I will confess that it does on the surface perhaps present a happier, playful, more casual and ultimately more
inviting feel.

The changes however are not without controversy, with many paying organizers understandably feeling upset that Meetup HQ is seemingly running roughshod over their desires and wishes, with several documented bugs still outstanding while focus and resources supposedly having been instead directed into this rebranding exercise in order to deploy their “Vision”

It is quite possible that MeetUp are possibly following more the same path that many Consumer Tech companies (e.g Apple) have gone and creating / spinning off their own market (where perhaps none existed before) where in effect, what they’re selling is a dream or (their brand of) Experience.


Having played with the App, my feeling is that I perhaps enjoy the cleaner feel of the Mobile Website instead.  While the new App presents a fun loving “brand”, the app is a lot more cluttered then the Mobile Web interface I feel

More soon (When I have time)

New Rebrand

Hiking markers

We did have an incident in the Hunua’s last weekend where a 2 hikers from our group got separated and supposedly went down a possum trapping track.  Probably worth mentioning that in terms of the Auckland region at least.  Most trails are marked with…


  1. An Orange plastic Triangle marker with the most pointy tip marking the direction of travel.
  2. Or an Pole (Orange or faded orange)

Please be aware, the Pink Triangles and ribbons are not the ones to follow (unless you are a trapper)

If one finds them off the track, in the bush, with no clear path direction and no orange markets, it would be wise advised to retrace your steps until you find Orange Makers.


Hiking markers